www.gusucode.com > Piwik 网站流量统计系统 v2.9.1PHP源码程序 > Piwik 网站流量统计系统 v2.9.1/How to install Piwik.html/piwik/plugins/UsersManager/API.php

 * Piwik - free/libre analytics platform
 * @link http://piwik.org
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL v3 or later
namespace Piwik\Plugins\UsersManager;

use Exception;
use Piwik\Access;
use Piwik\Common;
use Piwik\Config;
use Piwik\Date;
use Piwik\Option;
use Piwik\Piwik;
use Piwik\Site;
use Piwik\Tracker\Cache;

 * The UsersManager API lets you Manage Users and their permissions to access specific websites.
 * You can create users via "addUser", update existing users via "updateUser" and delete users via "deleteUser".
 * There are many ways to list users based on their login "getUser" and "getUsers", their email "getUserByEmail",
 * or which users have permission (view or admin) to access the specified websites "getUsersWithSiteAccess".
 * Existing Permissions are listed given a login via "getSitesAccessFromUser", or a website ID via "getUsersAccessFromSite",
 * or you can list all users and websites for a given permission via "getUsersSitesFromAccess". Permissions are set and updated
 * via the method "setUserAccess".
 * See also the documentation about <a href='http://piwik.org/docs/manage-users/' target='_blank'>Managing Users</a> in Piwik.
class API extends \Piwik\Plugin\API
     * @var Model
    private $model;

    const PREFERENCE_DEFAULT_REPORT = 'defaultReport';
    const PREFERENCE_DEFAULT_REPORT_DATE = 'defaultReportDate';

    private static $instance = null;

    protected function __construct()
        $this->model = new Model();

     * You can create your own Users Plugin to override this class.
     * Example of how you would overwrite the UsersManager_API with your own class:
     * Call the following in your plugin __construct() for example:
     * Registry::set('UsersManager_API', \Piwik\Plugins\MyCustomUsersManager\API::getInstance());
     * @throws Exception
     * @return \Piwik\Plugins\UsersManager\API
    public static function getInstance()
        try {
            $instance = \Piwik\Registry::get('UsersManager_API');
            if (!($instance instanceof API)) {
                // Exception is caught below and corrected
                throw new Exception('UsersManager_API must inherit API');
            self::$instance = $instance;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            self::$instance = new self;
            \Piwik\Registry::set('UsersManager_API', self::$instance);

        return self::$instance;

     * Sets a user preference
     * @param string $userLogin
     * @param string $preferenceName
     * @param string $preferenceValue
     * @return void
    public function setUserPreference($userLogin, $preferenceName, $preferenceValue)
        Option::set($this->getPreferenceId($userLogin, $preferenceName), $preferenceValue);

     * Gets a user preference
     * @param string $userLogin
     * @param string $preferenceName
     * @return bool|string
    public function getUserPreference($userLogin, $preferenceName)

        $optionValue = Option::get($this->getPreferenceId($userLogin, $preferenceName));

        if ($optionValue !== false) {
            return $optionValue;

        return $this->getDefaultUserPreference($preferenceName, $userLogin);

    private function getPreferenceId($login, $preference)
        return $login . '_' . $preference;

    private function getDefaultUserPreference($preferenceName, $login)
        switch ($preferenceName) {
            case self::PREFERENCE_DEFAULT_REPORT:
                $viewableSiteIds = \Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\API::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess($login);
                return reset($viewableSiteIds);
            case self::PREFERENCE_DEFAULT_REPORT_DATE:
                return Config::getInstance()->General['default_day'];
                return false;

     * Returns the list of all the users
     * @param string $userLogins Comma separated list of users to select. If not specified, will return all users
     * @return array the list of all the users
    public function getUsers($userLogins = '')

        $logins = array();
        if (!empty($userLogins)) {
            $logins = explode(',', $userLogins);

        $users = $this->model->getUsers($logins);

        // Non Super user can only access login & alias
        if (!Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess()) {
            foreach ($users as &$user) {
                $user = array('login' => $user['login'], 'alias' => $user['alias']);

        return $users;

     * Returns the list of all the users login
     * @return array the list of all the users login
    public function getUsersLogin()

        return $this->model->getUsersLogin();

     * For each user, returns the list of website IDs where the user has the supplied $access level.
     * If a user doesn't have the given $access to any website IDs,
     * the user will not be in the returned array.
     * @param string Access can have the following values : 'view' or 'admin'
     * @return array    The returned array has the format
     *                    array(
     *                        login1 => array ( idsite1,idsite2),
     *                        login2 => array(idsite2),
     *                        ...
     *                    )
    public function getUsersSitesFromAccess($access)


        return $this->model->getUsersSitesFromAccess($access);

     * For each user, returns his access level for the given $idSite.
     * If a user doesn't have any access to the $idSite ('noaccess'),
     * the user will not be in the returned array.
     * @param int $idSite website ID
     * @return array    The returned array has the format
     *                    array(
     *                        login1 => 'view',
     *                        login2 => 'admin',
     *                        login3 => 'view',
     *                        ...
     *                    )
    public function getUsersAccessFromSite($idSite)

        return $this->model->getUsersAccessFromSite($idSite);

    public function getUsersWithSiteAccess($idSite, $access)

        $logins = $this->model->getUsersLoginWithSiteAccess($idSite, $access);

        if (empty($logins)) {
            return array();

        $logins = implode(',', $logins);

        return $this->getUsers($logins);

     * For each website ID, returns the access level of the given $userLogin.
     * If the user doesn't have any access to a website ('noaccess'),
     * this website will not be in the returned array.
     * If the user doesn't have any access, the returned array will be an empty array.
     * @param string $userLogin User that has to be valid
     * @return array    The returned array has the format
     *                    array(
     *                        idsite1 => 'view',
     *                        idsite2 => 'admin',
     *                        idsite3 => 'view',
     *                        ...
     *                    )
    public function getSitesAccessFromUser($userLogin)

        return $this->model->getSitesAccessFromUser($userLogin);

     * Returns the user information (login, password md5, alias, email, date_registered, etc.)
     * @param string $userLogin the user login
     * @return array the user information
    public function getUser($userLogin)

        return $this->model->getUser($userLogin);

     * Returns the user information (login, password md5, alias, email, date_registered, etc.)
     * @param string $userEmail the user email
     * @return array the user information
    public function getUserByEmail($userEmail)

        return $this->model->getUserByEmail($userEmail);

    private function checkLogin($userLogin)
        if ($this->userExists($userLogin)) {
            throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('UsersManager_ExceptionLoginExists', $userLogin));


    private function checkEmail($email)
        if ($this->userEmailExists($email)) {
            throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('UsersManager_ExceptionEmailExists', $email));

        if (!Piwik::isValidEmailString($email)) {
            throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('UsersManager_ExceptionInvalidEmail'));

    private function getCleanAlias($alias, $userLogin)
        if (empty($alias)) {
            $alias = $userLogin;

        return $alias;

     * Add a user in the database.
     * A user is defined by
     * - a login that has to be unique and valid
     * - a password that has to be valid
     * - an alias
     * - an email that has to be in a correct format
     * @see userExists()
     * @see isValidLoginString()
     * @see isValidPasswordString()
     * @see isValidEmailString()
     * @exception in case of an invalid parameter
    public function addUser($userLogin, $password, $email, $alias = false, $_isPasswordHashed = false)


        $password = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($password);

        if (!$_isPasswordHashed) {

            $passwordTransformed = UsersManager::getPasswordHash($password);
        } else {
            $passwordTransformed = $password;

        $alias = $this->getCleanAlias($alias, $userLogin);

        $token_auth = $this->getTokenAuth($userLogin, $passwordTransformed);

        $this->model->addUser($userLogin, $passwordTransformed, $email, $alias, $token_auth, Date::now()->getDatetime());

        // we reload the access list which doesn't yet take in consideration this new user

         * Triggered after a new user is created.
         * @param string $userLogin The new user's login handle.
        Piwik::postEvent('UsersManager.addUser.end', array($userLogin, $email, $password, $alias));

     * Enable or disable Super user access to the given user login. Note: When granting Super User access all previous
     * permissions of the user will be removed as the user gains access to everything.
     * @param string   $userLogin          the user login.
     * @param bool|int $hasSuperUserAccess true or '1' to grant Super User access, false or '0' to remove Super User
     *                                     access.
     * @throws \Exception
    public function setSuperUserAccess($userLogin, $hasSuperUserAccess)

        if (!$hasSuperUserAccess && $this->isUserTheOnlyUserHavingSuperUserAccess($userLogin)) {
            $message = Piwik::translate("UsersManager_ExceptionRemoveSuperUserAccessOnlySuperUser", $userLogin)
                        . " "
                        . Piwik::translate("UsersManager_ExceptionYouMustGrantSuperUserAccessFirst");
            throw new Exception($message);

        $this->model->setSuperUserAccess($userLogin, $hasSuperUserAccess);

     * Detect whether the current user has super user access or not.
     * @return bool
    public function hasSuperUserAccess()
        return Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess();

     * Returns a list of all Super Users containing there userLogin and email address.
     * @return array
    public function getUsersHavingSuperUserAccess()

        $users = $this->model->getUsersHavingSuperUserAccess();

        foreach($users as &$user) {
            // remove token_auth in API response

        return $users;

     * Updates a user in the database.
     * Only login and password are required (case when we update the password).
     * When the password changes, the key token for this user will change, which could break
     * its API calls.
     * @see addUser() for all the parameters
    public function updateUser($userLogin, $password = false, $email = false, $alias = false,
                               $_isPasswordHashed = false)
        $userInfo = $this->getUser($userLogin);
        $passwordHasBeenUpdated = false;

        if (empty($password)) {
            $password = $userInfo['password'];
        } else {
            $password = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($password);
            if (!$_isPasswordHashed) {
                $password = UsersManager::getPasswordHash($password);

            $passwordHasBeenUpdated = true;

        if (empty($alias)) {
            $alias = $userInfo['alias'];

        if (empty($email)) {
            $email = $userInfo['email'];

        if ($email != $userInfo['email']) {

        $alias      = $this->getCleanAlias($alias, $userLogin);
        $token_auth = $this->getTokenAuth($userLogin, $password);

        $this->model->updateUser($userLogin, $password, $email, $alias, $token_auth);


         * Triggered after an existing user has been updated.
         * Event notify about password change.
         * @param string $userLogin The user's login handle.
         * @param boolean $passwordHasBeenUpdated Flag containing information about password change.
        Piwik::postEvent('UsersManager.updateUser.end', array($userLogin, $passwordHasBeenUpdated, $email, $password, $alias));

     * Delete a user and all its access, given its login.
     * @param string $userLogin the user login.
     * @throws Exception if the user doesn't exist
     * @return bool true on success
    public function deleteUser($userLogin)

        if (!$this->userExists($userLogin)) {
            throw new Exception(Piwik::translate("UsersManager_ExceptionDeleteDoesNotExist", $userLogin));

        if ($this->isUserTheOnlyUserHavingSuperUserAccess($userLogin)) {
            $message = Piwik::translate("UsersManager_ExceptionDeleteOnlyUserWithSuperUserAccess", $userLogin)
                        . " "
                        . Piwik::translate("UsersManager_ExceptionYouMustGrantSuperUserAccessFirst");
            throw new Exception($message);



     * Returns true if the given userLogin is known in the database
     * @param string $userLogin
     * @return bool true if the user is known
    public function userExists($userLogin)
        if ($userLogin == 'anonymous') {
            return true;


        if ($userLogin == Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin()) {
            return true;

        return $this->model->userExists($userLogin);

     * Returns true if user with given email (userEmail) is known in the database, or the Super User
     * @param string $userEmail
     * @return bool true if the user is known
    public function userEmailExists($userEmail)

        return $this->model->userEmailExists($userEmail);

     * Set an access level to a given user for a list of websites ID.
     * If access = 'noaccess' the current access (if any) will be deleted.
     * If access = 'view' or 'admin' the current access level is deleted and updated with the new value.
     * @param string $userLogin The user login
     * @param string $access Access to grant. Must have one of the following value : noaccess, view, admin
     * @param int|array $idSites The array of idSites on which to apply the access level for the user.
     *       If the value is "all" then we apply the access level to all the websites ID for which the current authentificated user has an 'admin' access.
     * @throws Exception if the user doesn't exist
     * @throws Exception if the access parameter doesn't have a correct value
     * @throws Exception if any of the given website ID doesn't exist
     * @return bool true on success
    public function setUserAccess($userLogin, $access, $idSites)

        if ($userLogin == 'anonymous'
            && $access == 'admin'
        ) {
            throw new Exception(Piwik::translate("UsersManager_ExceptionAdminAnonymous"));

        // in case idSites is all we grant access to all the websites on which the current connected user has an 'admin' access
        if ($idSites === 'all') {
            $idSites = \Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\API::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAdminAccess();
        } // in case the idSites is an integer we build an array
        else {
            $idSites = Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSites);

        if (empty($idSites)) {
            throw new Exception('Specify at least one website ID in &idSites=');
        // it is possible to set user access on websites only for the websites admin
        // basically an admin can give the view or the admin access to any user for the websites he manages

        $this->model->deleteUserAccess($userLogin, $idSites);

        // if the access is noaccess then we don't save it as this is the default value
        // when no access are specified
        if ($access != 'noaccess') {
            $this->model->addUserAccess($userLogin, $access, $idSites);
        } else {
            if (!empty($idSites) && !is_array($idSites)) {
                $idSites = array($idSites);

            Piwik::postEvent('UsersManager.removeSiteAccess', array($userLogin, $idSites));

        // we reload the access list which doesn't yet take in consideration this new user access

     * Throws an exception is the user login doesn't exist
     * @param string $userLogin user login
     * @throws Exception if the user doesn't exist
    private function checkUserExists($userLogin)
        if (!$this->userExists($userLogin)) {
            throw new Exception(Piwik::translate("UsersManager_ExceptionUserDoesNotExist", $userLogin));

     * Throws an exception is the user email cannot be found
     * @param string $userEmail user email
     * @throws Exception if the user doesn't exist
    private function checkUserEmailExists($userEmail)
        if (!$this->userEmailExists($userEmail)) {
            throw new Exception(Piwik::translate("UsersManager_ExceptionUserDoesNotExist", $userEmail));

    private function checkUserIsNotAnonymous($userLogin)
        if ($userLogin == 'anonymous') {
            throw new Exception(Piwik::translate("UsersManager_ExceptionEditAnonymous"));

    private function checkUserHasNotSuperUserAccess($userLogin)
        if (Piwik::hasTheUserSuperUserAccess($userLogin)) {
            throw new Exception(Piwik::translate("UsersManager_ExceptionSuperUserAccess"));

    private function checkAccessType($access)
        $accessList = Access::getListAccess();

        // do not allow to set the superUser access
        unset($accessList[array_search("superuser", $accessList)]);

        if (!in_array($access, $accessList)) {
            throw new Exception(Piwik::translate("UsersManager_ExceptionAccessValues", implode(", ", $accessList)));

    private function isUserTheOnlyUserHavingSuperUserAccess($userLogin)
        $superUsers = $this->getUsersHavingSuperUserAccess();

        return 1 >= count($superUsers) && Piwik::hasTheUserSuperUserAccess($userLogin);

     * Generates a unique MD5 for the given login & password
     * @param string $userLogin Login
     * @param string $md5Password MD5ied string of the password
     * @throws Exception
     * @return string
    public function getTokenAuth($userLogin, $md5Password)
        if (strlen($md5Password) != 32) {
            throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('UsersManager_ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected'));

        return md5($userLogin . $md5Password);